30. Amounts due to customers

Annual Report

Accounting policies

Principles of classification and measurement are described note “Description of significant accounting policies”. This item also includes reverse repo transactions with a defined contractual term and specified price. The securities that are a component of the reverse repo transactions are not eliminated from the statement of financial position and are measured in accordance with the principles specified for each category of securities. The difference between the sales price and the repurchase price is the interest expense and is deferred over the term of the contract using the effective interest rate.

Financial information

AMOUNTS DUE TO CUSTOMERS 31.12.2019 31.12.2018
Measured at fair value through profit or loss 45
short position in securities 45
Measured at amortized cost 258 154 242 816
Amounts due to individuals 186 691 165 182
Current accounts and overnight deposits, of which: 122 008 103 143
savings accounts 38 053 32 192
Term deposits 64 300 61 638
Other liabilities 383 401
Amounts due to business entities 56 406 55 302
Current accounts and overnight deposits, of which: 45 894 38 927
savings accounts 46 46
Term deposits 9 670 15 465
Other liabilities 842 910
Amounts due to public sector 11 354 16 459
Current accounts and overnight deposits 10 997 11 242
Term deposits 331 5 115
Other liabilities 26 102
Loans and borrowings received* 2 029 4 093
Liabilities in respect of insurance products 1 674 1 780
Unit-Linked 1 409 1 502
Saving insurance policies 2 2
“Safe Capital” 253 265
Structured products 10 11
Total 258 199 242 816

*The item “Loans and advances received” is presented in detail in Note “Loans and advances received”.

retail and private banking 174 091 155 079
corporate 49 918 55 051
SME 30 476 26 805
loans and advances received 2 029 4 093
other liabilities (including liabilities in respect of insurance products) 1 685 1 788
Total 258 199 242 816

Measured at fair value through profit or loss: 45
up to 1 month 45
Measured at amortized cost: 258 154 242 816
up to 1 month 197 229 179 874
1 to 3 months 16 866 22 449
3 months to 1 year 29 416 25 483
1 to 5 years 5 649 6 860
over 5 years 8 994 8 150
Total 258 199 242 816

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