37. Equity and shareholding structure of the Bank

Annual Report

Accounting policies

Equity constitutes capital and reserves created in accordance with the legal regulations.

The classification to particular components discussed below results from the Polish Commercial Companies Code, the Banking Law and the requirements of IAS 1.7, IAS 1.78.e, IAS 1.54.q-r and IAS 1.79.b.

Equity components of the subsidiaries other than share capital, in proportion to the parent’s interest in the subsidiary, are added to respective equity components of the parent. The Group’s equity includes only those parts of the equity of the subsidiaries which arose after the acquisition of shares by the parent. In accordance with the legal regulations in force in Poland, only the equity of the parent and the equity of specific subsidiaries, determined on the basis of standalone financial statements, are distributable.

Equity components:

  • Share capital comprises solely the share capital of the parent and is stated at nominal value in accordance with the Articles of Association and entry to the Register of Entrepreneurs.
  • Supplementary capital is created according to the Articles of Association of Group companies, from the appropriation of profits and from share premium less issue costs and it is to cover the potential losses which might result from the Group’s activities.
  • General banking risk fund in PKO Bank Polski SA is created from profit after tax in accordance with the Banking Law, and it is to cover unidentified risks of the Bank’s operations.
  • Other reserves are created from the appropriation of net profit. Other reserves are only meant to cover any potential balance-sheet losses.
  • Non-controlling interests represent the part of capital in a subsidiary which cannot be directly or indirectly assigned to the parent company.
  • Accumulated other comprehensive income includes the effects of the measurement of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income, allowances for expected credit losses on these assets, the effective portion of cash flow hedges in hedge accounting, as well as actuarial gains and losses. Deferred tax on those items is recognized in other comprehensive income. Moreover, the item includes the share of the parent in the total other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures and foreign exchange differences on translation to Polish currency of the net result of the foreign operation at an exchange rate constituting the arithmetic mean of the average foreign exchange rates as at the day ending each of the months in the financial year published by the National Bank of Poland.

Financial information

EQUITY 31.12.2019 31.12.2018
Share capital 1 250 1 250
Supplementary capital 29 429 29 354
General banking risk fund 1 070 1 070
Other reserves 3 237 3 831
Accumulated other comprehensive income 469 250
Retained earnings 2 101 (385)
Net profit or loss for the year 4 031 3 741
Non-controlling interests (9) (10)
Total 41 578 39 101

Shareholding structure of the Bank

According to the information available as at 31 December 2019 the Bank’s shareholding structure is as follows:

NAME OF SHAREHOLDER number of shares voting rights% Nominal value
of 1 share
Interest held%
As at 31 December 2019
State Treasury 367 918 980 29.43% 1 PLN 29.43%
Nationale Nederlanden Open Pension Fund (ING Open Pension Funds until 23.06.2015)* 94 500 000 7.56% 1 PLN 7.56%
Aviva Open Pension Fund1* 88 010 319 7.04% 1 PLN 7.04%
Other shareholderse** 699 570 701 55.97% 1 PLN 55.97%
Total 1 250 000 000 100.00% 100.00%
As at 31 December 2018
State Treasury 367 918 980 29.43% 1 PLN 29.43%
Nationale Nederlanden Open Pension Fund (ING Open Pension Funds until 23.06.2015)* 95 472 008 7.64% 1 PLN 7.64%
Aviva Open Pension Fund* 89 163 966 7.13% 1 PLN 7.13%
Other shareholders** 697 445 046 55.80% 1 PLN 55.80%
Total 1 250 000 000 100.00% 100.00%

*Calculation of shareholdings as at the end of the year published by PTE in annual information about the structure of fund assets and quotation from the securities exchange official list (Ceduła Giełdowa).
**Including Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego which, as at 31.12.2019, held 24 487 297 shares, constituting a 1.96% share of the votes at the General Shareholders’ Meeting.

All the shares of PKO Bank Polski SA carry the same rights and obligations. No shares are preferred shares (one share entitles to one vote), in particular with regard to voting rights or dividend. The Articles of Association of PKO Bank Polski SA restrict the voting rights of shareholders holding more than 10% of the total number of votes at the General Shareholders’ Meeting and forbid those shareholders to execute more than 10% of the total number of votes at the General Shareholders’ Meeting. The above restriction does not apply to:

  • those shareholders who on the date of passing the resolution of the General Shareholders’ Meeting introducing the limitation of the voting rights had rights from the shares representing more than 10% of the total number of votes at the Bank (i.e. the State Treasury and BGK),
  • shareholders who have the rights from A-series registered shares (the State Treasury), and
  • shareholders acting jointly with the shareholders referred to in point (2) based on an agreement concerning the joint execution of voting rights from shares. Moreover, restriction of the voting rights shall expire when the share of the State Treasury in the Bank’s share capital drops below 5%.

In accordance with § 6 (2) of the PKO Bank Polski SA’s Articles of Association, the conversion of A-series registered shares into bearer shares and the transfer of these shares requires the approval of the Council of Ministers in the form of a resolution. Conversion into bearer shares or transfer of A-series registered shares, after getting the abovementioned approval, results in the expiry of the above-mentioned restrictions in respect of shares subject to conversion into bearer shares or transfer, to the extent to which this approval was given.

Pursuant to Article 13 (1) (26) of the Act dated 16 December 2016 on the rules for managing the State property, the shares of PKO Bank Polski S.A. owned by the State Treasury may not be sold (excluding statutory exceptions).

The Bank’s shares are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Structure of PKO bank Polski SA's share capital:

Series Type of shares Number of shares Nominal value
of 1 share
Nominal value
of the series (PLN)
Series A ordinary registered shares 312 500 000 1 PLN 312 500 000 PLN
Series A ordinary bearer shares 197 500,000 1 PLN 197 500 000 PLN
Series B ordinary bearer shares 105 000 000 1 PLN 105 000 000 PLN
Series C ordinary bearer shares 385 000 000 1 PLN 385 000 000 PLN
Series D ordinary bearer shares 250 000 000 1 PLN 250 000 000 PLN
Total 1 250 000 000 1 250 000 000 PLN


In 2019 and in 2018, there were no changes in the amount of the share capital of PKO Bank Polski SA. Shares of PKO Bank Polski SA issued are not preference shares and are fully paid up.

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