26. Financial assets by stage of impairment and allowances for expected credit losses

Accounting policies

The allowance for expected credit losses is recognized in the financial statements in the following manner:

  • Financial assets measured at amortized cost: the allowance reduces the gross carrying amount of the financial asset; changes in the allowances amount are recognized in the income statement;
  • Off-balance sheet liabilities of a financial nature and financial guarantees: the allowance is presented as a provision under liabilities; changes in the provisions amount are recognized in the income statement;
  • Financial instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income: the carrying amount of assets recognized at fair value is not additionally decreased by the allowances; however, each change in the measurement is divided into the impairment component, which is recognized in the income statement, and the component relating to other changes in the fair value measurement, which is recognized in other comprehensive income;
  • Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss: no allowances for expected credit losses are recognized.
Annual Report

Estimates and judgements

With regard to impairment, the Group applies the concept of expected losses.

The impairment model is applicable to financial assets that are not measured at fair value through profit or loss, comprising:

  • debt financial instruments comprising credit exposures and securities;
  • lease receivables;
  • other financial assets;
  • off-balance sheet financial and guarantee liabilities.

Expected credit losses are not recognized for equity instruments.

Impairment allowances for exposure reflect 12-month or lifetime expected credit losses on such exposures for a given financial asset.

The time horizon of an expected loss depends on whether a significant increase in credit risk occurred since the moment of initial recognition. Based on this criterion, financial assets are allocated to 3 stages:

Exposures in which the credit risk is not significantly higher than upon initial recognition and no evidence of impairment is found;

Exposures in which the credit risk is significantly higher than upon initial recognition, but no evidence of impairment is found;

Assets in respect of which evidence of impairment is recognized, including assets granted or purchased with evidence of impairment recognized (upon being granted or purchased).

Significant increase in credit risk

A significant increase in credit risk is verified according to the likelihood of default and its changes with respect to the date of originating the loan.

The Group uses a model based on a marginal PD calculation, i.e. the probability of default in a given month, to assess a material increase in credit risk for mortgage exposures and other retail exposures. This probability depends on the time that has passed from originating the exposure. This enables reflecting the differences in credit quality that are typical of exposures to individuals over the lifetime of the exposure. The marginal PD curves were determined on the basis of historic data at the level of homogeneous portfolios, which are separated according to the type of product, the year of their origination, the loan currency and the credit quality at the time of origination. The marginal PD is attributed to individual exposures by scaling the curve at the level of the portfolio to the individual assessment of the exposure / customer using application models (using data from loan applications) and behavioural models. The Group identifies the premise of a material increase in credit risk for a given exposure by comparing individual PD curves over the exposure horizon as at the date of initial recognition and as at the reporting date. Only the parts of the original and current PD curves which correspond to the period from the reporting date to the date of maturity of the exposure are compared as at each reporting date. The comparison is based on the average probability of default over the life of the loan in the period under review adjusted for current and forecast macroeconomic indicators.

The result of this comparison, referred to as statistic α,, is referred to the threshold value above which an increase in credit risk is considered material. The threshold value is determined on the basis of the historical relationship between the values of the statistic α, and the default arising. In this process the following probabilities are minimized:

  • classification into a set of credit exposures with a significant increase in the level of credit risk (based on statistics), for which no event of default took place during the audited period (type I error)
  • non-classification into the set of credit exposures with a significant increase in the level of credit risk (based on the statistics) for which an event of default occurred during the audited period (type II error).

According to data that is applicable at the end of 2019, an increase in the PD parameter by at least 2.6 compared to the value at the time of its recognition in the Group’s accounts in respect of mortgage exposures and an increase by at least 2.5 in respect of other retail exposures constitutes a premise of a significant deterioration in credit quality (unchanged compared to end of 2018).

With respect to credit exposures for which the current risk of default does not exceed the level provided for in the price of the loan, the results of the comparison of the probability of default curves as at the date of initial recognition and as at the reporting date do not signify a material increase in credit risk.

The Group uses a model based on Markov chains to assess material increases in credit risk for institutional customers. Historical data is used to build matrices of probabilities of customers migrating between individual classes of risk that are determined on the basis of the Group’s rating and scoring models. These migrations are determined within homogeneous portfolios, classified using, inter alia, customer and customer segment assessment methodologies.

An individual highest acceptable value of the probability of default is set for each class of risk and portfolio on the date of the initial recognition of the credit exposure, which, if exceeded, is identified as a material increase in credit risk. This value is set on the basis of the average probability of default for classes of risk worse than that at initial recognition of the exposure, weighted by the probability of transition to those classes of risk in the given time horizon.

In accordance with the data as at the end of 2019 and 2018, the minimum deterioration in the class of risk which constitutes a premise of a material improvement of the credit presented compared to the current class of risk were as follows:

Risk category PD range the minimum range of the risk category
deterioration indicating a significant increase in credit risk*
A-B 0.0-0.90% 3 categories
C 0.90-1.78% 3 categories
D 1.78-3.55% 2 categories
E 3.55-7.07% 1 category
F 7.07-14.07% 1 category
G 14.07-99.99% not applicable**

*Average values (the scopes are determined separately for homogeneous groups of customers).
**Deterioration of the class of risk is a direct premise of impairment.

The Group uses all available qualitative and quantitative information to identify the remaining premises of a material increase in credit risk, including:

  • restructuring measures introducing forbearance for a debtor in financial difficulties;
  • extending the period for the repayment of a significant amount of principal or interest by more than 30 days;
  • identified early warning signals as part of the monitoring process, suggesting a material increase in credit risk; a significant increase in the LTV ratio;
  • an analyst’s assessment according to an individual approach;
  • quarantine for Stage 2 exposures, which have not shown premises for impairment in the previous 3 months.
  • filing for consumer bankruptcy by any of the joint borrowers;
  • transferring the credit exposure to be managed by the Group’s restructuring and debt collection units.

Impaired loans and definition of default

The premise for the impairment of a credit exposure is, in particular:

  • a delay in the repayment of a materially significant amount of principal or interest by more than 90 days;
  • deterioration of the debtor’s economic and financial position during the lending period, expressed by the classification into a rating class or class of risk suggesting a material risk of default (Rating H);
  • the conclusion of a restructuring agreement or the application of relief in debt repayment, which is forced by economic or legal reasons arising from the customer’s financial difficulties (until the claim is recognized as remedied);
  • filing a motion for the debtor’s bankruptcy, placing the debtor into liquidation or the opening of enforcement proceedings with respect to the debtor.
  • declaration of consumer bankruptcy by any of the joint borrowers.

In accordance with the Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms (“CRR”), the Group defines a state of default if it assesses that the debtor is unable to repay the loan liability without resorting to exercising the collateral or if the exposure is overdue more than 90 days. The premises of default are identical to the premises for impairment of the exposure.

Calculation of the expected credit loss

The model for the calculation of the expected credit loss is based on applying detailed segmentation to the credit portfolio, taking into account the following characteristics at product and customer level:

  • type of credit product;
  • currency of the product;
  • year of granting;
  • assessment of risk of the customer’s default;
  • the customer’s business segment;
  • method of assessing the customer risk.

The Group calculates expected credit losses on an individual and on a portfolio basis.

The individual basis is used in respect of individually significant exposures. The expected credit loss from the exposure is determined as the difference between its gross carrying amount (in the case of an off-balance sheet credit exposure – the value of its balance sheet equivalent) and the present value of the expected future cash flows, established by taking into account the possible scenarios regarding the performance of the contract and the management of credit exposure, weighted by the probability of their realization.

The portfolio method is applied to exposures that are not individually significant and in in the event of a failure to identify premises of impairment.

In the portfolio method, the expected loss is calculated as the product of the credit risk parameters: the probability of default (PD), the loss given default (LGD) and the value of the exposure at default (EAD); each of these parameters assumes the form of a vector representing the number of months covering the horizon of estimation of the credit loss.

The Group sets this horizon for retail exposures without a repayment schedule on the basis of behavioural data from historical observations. The loss expected both in the entire duration of the exposure and in a period of 12 months is the sum of expected losses in the individual periods discounted using the effective interest rate. The Group adjusts the parameter specifying the level of exposure at the time of default by the future repayments arising from the schedule and potential overpayments and underpayments to specify the value of the asset at the time of default in a given period.

The calculation of expected credit losses encompasses estimates of future macroeconomic conditions. In terms of portfolio analysis, the impact of macroeconomic scenarios is taken into account in the amount of the individual risk parameters. The methodology for calculating the risk parameters includes the study of the dependencies of these parameters on the macroeconomic conditions based on historical data. Three macroeconomic scenarios based on the Bank’s own forecasts are used for calculating the expected loss – a baseline forecast with a probability of 80% and two alternative scenarios, each with a probability of 10%. The scope of the forecast indicators includes the GDP growth index, the rate of unemployment, the WIBOR 3M rate, the LIBOR CHF 3M rate, the CHF/PLN exchange rate, the property price index and the NBP reference rate. The final expected loss is the weighted average probability of scenarios from expected losses corresponding to individual scenarios. The Group assures compliance of the macroeconomic scenarios used for the calculation of the risk parameters with macroeconomic scenarios used for the credit risk budgeting processes. The baseline scenario uses the base macroeconomic forecasts. The forecasts are prepared on the basis of the quantitative models, taking into account adjustments for the presence of one-off events.

The extreme scenarios apply to cases of so-called internal shock, as a result of which the so-called external variables (foreign interest rates) do not change with respect to the baseline scenario. The extreme scenarios are developed on the basis of a statistical and econometric analysis, i.e. they do not reflect the events described, but the forecast path. Two scenarios are identified, optimistic and pessimistic. The share of the scenarios for the GDP path that falls between the optimistic and the pessimistic scenario is referred to as the probability of the baseline scenario. Such an assumption is used to forecast GDP growth, using a potential rate of growth of the Polish economy that varies over time, calculated with the use of quarterly data provided by the Central Statistical Office. The values of other macroeconomic variables used in the scenarios (rate of unemployment, property price index) are estimated after the extreme paths of GDP growth are defined.

The rate of unemployment is calculated on the basis of the quantified dependence on the difference between GDP growth and the potential rate of economic growth. The result is adjusted for significant structural changes taking place in the Polish economy, which are not encompassed by the quantitative model, in particular:

  • the ageing of the Polish population (and the appearance of unsatisfied demand for labour, which will limit the scale of increase in the rate of unemployment in a situation in an economic downturn);
  • the Polish labour market is nearing full employment (restrictions of supply mean that there is increasingly less space for a further decline in the rate of unemployment);
  • the inflow of immigrants (only partly included in the official statistics).

The level of the property price index is set on the basis of changes in GDP, taking into account the conditions of supply and demand on the market based on the data and trends presented by the NBP in the publication “Information on housing prices and the situation on the residential and commercial property market in Poland” and the Group’s own analyses. The forecasts of WIBOR and LIBOR deposit rates are mainly prepared on the basis of assumptions regarding central bank interest rates. The CHF/PLN exchange rate is a cross rate of the EUR/PLN and EUR/CHF exchange rates. Its forecasts are a combination of the forecasts for these two rates. The EUR/PLN and EUR/CHF forecasts are prepared on the basis of a macroeconomic analysis (current and historical) based on econometric methods, as well as on a technical analysis of the financial markets.

Both the process of assessing a material increase in credit risk and the process of calculating the expected loss are conducted monthly at the level of individual exposures. They use a dedicated computing environment that allows for the distribution of the results to the Group’s internal units.

The Group has separated the portfolio of financial assets with low credit risk by classifying credit exposures for which the average long-term default rate does not exceed the probability of default specified by the rating agency for the worst class investment rating. This portfolio includes, in particular, credit exposures to banks, governments, local government entities and housing cooperatives and communities.

Financial information

(excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting)
31.12.2019 31.12.2018
Gross amount Allowances for expected credit losses Net amount Gross amount Allowances for
expected credit
Net amount
Measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
Securities 63 812 (5) 63 807 52 568 (10) 52 558
Stage 1 63 290 63 290 51 709 51 709
Stage 2 59 59 388 388
Stage 3 463 (5) 458 471 (10) 461
Loans and advances to customers 1 (1)
Stage 3
Total 63 813 (6) 63 807 52 568 (10) 52 558
Measured at amortized cost
Amounts due from banks 4 093 (1) 4 092 7  662 (1) 7  661
Stage 1 4 093 (1) 4 092 7 662 (1) 7  661
Securities 13 474 (20) 13 454 8 499 (26) 8 473
Stage 1 13 450 (16) 13 434 8 437 (15) 8 422
Stage 2 20 20 59 (8) 51
Stage 3 4 (4) 3 (3)
Loans and advances to customers 230 365 (7 221) 223 144 222 009 (8 204) 213 805
Stage 1 205 817 (619) 205 198 194 391 (566) 193 825
Stage 2 14 823 (1 142) 13 681 16 168 (1 249) 14 919
Stage 3 9 725 (5 460) 4 265 11 450 (6 389) 5 061
Other financial assets 2 716 (92) 2 624 2 922 (97) 2 825
Stage 1 2 624 2 624 2 825 2 825
Stage 3 92 (92) 97 (97)
Total 250 648 (7 334) 243 314 241 092 (8 328) 232 764
Financial assets by stage of impairment
Stage 1 289 274 (636) 288 638 265 024 (582) 264 442
Stage 2 14 902 (1 142) 13 760 16 615 (1 257) 15 358
Stage 3 10 285 (5 562) 4 723 12 021 (6 499) 5 522
Total 314 461 (7 340) 307 121 293 660 (8 338) 285 322


BY MEASUREMENT MODEL (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting) 31.12.2019

Gross amount
(stage 1)
Allowances for
expected credit losses
(stage 1)
Gross amount
(stage 2)
Allowances for
expected credit
(stage 2)
Gross amount
(stage 3)
Allowances for
expected credit losses
(stage 3)
Measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
securities 63 290 59 463 (5)
NBP money market bills 1 000
Treasury bonds 54 061
other 8 229 59 463 (5)
bank loans 1 (1)
consumer 1 (1)
Total 63 290 59 464 (6)
of which: purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets – POCI 464 (6)
Measured at amortized cost
amounts due from banks 4 093 (1)
securities 13 450 (16) 20 4 (4)
Treasury bonds 7 467 (1)
other 5 983 (15) 20 4 (4)
loans and advances to customers 205 817 (619) 14 823 (1 142) 9 725 (5 460)
bank loans 191 147 (584) 12 446 (1 072) 8 903 (5 101)
housing 112 528 (55) 5 806 (527) 2 110 (1 384)
business 58 701 (365) 4 918 (314) 5 557 (2 892)
consumer 19 918 (164) 1 722 (231) 1 236 (825)
receivables in respect of repurchase agreements 1 081
finance lease receivables 13 589 (35) 2 377 (70) 822 (359)
other financial assets 2 624 92 (92)
Total 225 984 (636) 14 843 (1 142) 9 821 (5 556)
of which: purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets – POCI 386 (66)
Total 289 274 (636) 14 902 (1 142) 10 285 (5 562)


BY MEASUREMENT MODEL (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting) 31.12.2018 Gross amount
(stage 1)
Allowances for
expected credit losses
(stage 1)
Gross amount
(stage 2)
Allowances for
expected credit
(stage 2)
Gross amount
(stage 3)
of which: impaired
assets, gross
Allowances for
expected credit losses
(stage 3)
Measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
securities 51 709 388 471 471 (10)
NBP money market bills 2 900
Treasury bonds 40 363
other 8 446 388 471 471 (10)
Total 51 709 388 471 471 (10)
of which: purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets – POC 471 471 (10)
Measured at amortized cost
amounts due from banks 7 662 (1)
securities 8 437 (15) 59 (8) 3 3 (3)
Treasury bonds 2 361 (3)
other 6 076 (12) 59 (8) 3 3 (3)
oans and advances to customers 194 391 (566) 16 168 (1 249) 11450 11 111 (6 389)
bank loans 182 863 (532) 13 449 (1 169) 10 660 10 436 (6 014)
housing 106 561 (54) 5 960 (538) 2 260 2 201 (1 420)
business 52 638 (318) 5 703 (320) 6 569 6 406 (3 354)
consumer 23 664 (160) 1 786 (311) 1 831 1 829 (1 240)
receivables in respect of repurchase agreements 51
finance lease receivables 11 477 (34) 2 719 (80) 790 675 (375)
other financial assets 2 825 97 97 (97)
Total 213 315 (582) 16 227 (1 257) 11 550 11 211 (6 489)
of which: purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets – POCI 674 674 (131)
Total 265 024 (582) 16 615 (1 257) 12 021 11 682 (6 499)

(excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting)
31.12.2019 31.12.2018
Share of impaired loans* 4.1% 4.9%
Coverage ratio of impaired loans** 74.4% 74.0%
Udział kredytów opóźnionych w spłacie powyżej 90 dni w stosunku do wartości brutto kredytów i pożyczek 2.6% 3.2%

* The share of impaired exposures was determined for loans and securities (excluding NBP bills and T-bonds), measured at amortized cost, and loans measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, as the ratio of gross amount of impaired exposures to the total gross amount of loans and securities, excluding NBP bills and T-bonds measured at amortized cost and loans measured at fair value through other comprehensive income. Excluding the reclassification of part of amortised cost loans portfolio to portfolio measured at fair value through profit and loss in the amount of PLN 8 953 million (including those with impairment in the amount of PLN 822 million), the ratio would be higher by 0,2 percentage points than the presented one.
** The coverage ratio for impaired loans was determined as the ratio of total allowances for expected credit losses for loans and securities (excluding NBP bills and T-bonds), measured at amortized cost and loans measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, to the gross amount of impaired exposures from this portfolio. Excluding the reclassification of part of amortised cost loans portfolio to portfolio measured at fair value through profit and loss (credit loss allowance in the amount of PLN 757 million and the gross value of impaired loans in the amount of PLN 822 million), the ration would be higher by 1,4 percentage points than the presented one.

The total write-offs and sale of loan receivables in 2019 had an impact on the decrease in the share of impaired exposures of 0.6 p.p. (a decrease of 0.7 p.p. in the share of impaired exposures in 2018).

With regard to exposures which changed stages several times, the movement was presented as a transfer from the stage in which they were as at 1 January 2019 or upon their initial recognition to the impairment stage as at and 31 December 2019 (as at 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2018, respectively).

Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2019 51 709 388 471 52 568
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 295 (295)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (10) 10
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (26) 26
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 217 981 22 218 003
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 315 315
Decrease due to repayment (209 656) (22) (11) (209 689)
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (196) (17) (213)
Change due to write-off 3 3
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 2 852 (1) (26) 2 825
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2019 63 290 59 463 63 812


Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2018 46 765 473 47 238
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (384) 384
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 268 776 2 268 778
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 426 426
Decrease due to repayment (266 385) (266 385)
Changes due to modification without derecognition 101 2 103
Change due to write-off (3) (3)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 2 413 (2) 2 411
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2018 51 709 388 471 52 568

Securities measured at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2019 8 437 59 3 8 499
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 48 (48)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (18) 18
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 12 400 8 12 408
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 25 25
Decrease due to repayment (8 053) (8) (8 061)
Changes due to modification without derecognition 1 1
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (116) (8) (124)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 726 (1) 1 726
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2019 13 450 20 4 13 474

Securities measured at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2018 6 194 3 6 197
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (21) 21
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 2 995 38 3 033
Decrease due to repayment (925) (925)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 194 194
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2018 8 437 59 3 8 499

Amounts due from banks Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2019 7 662 7 662
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 2 372 2 372
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 40 40
Decrease due to repayment (6 177) (6 177)
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (8) (8)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 204 204
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2019 4 093 4 093

Amounts due from banks Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Razem
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2018 5 233 5 233
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 6 006 6 006
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 831 831
Decrease due to repayment (4 415) (4 415)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 7 7
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2018 7 662 7 662

Housing loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2019 106 561 5 960 2 260 114 781
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 2 434 (2 427) (7)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (2 858) 2 955 (97)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (89) (254) 343
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 7 034 24 3 7 061
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 10 226 210 114 10,550
Decrease due to repayment (11 898) (1 492) (208) (13 598)
Changes due to modification without derecognition 78 (1) (3) 74
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (290) (19) (122) (431)
Change due to write-off (12) (189) (201)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 1 330 862 16 2 208
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2019 112 528 5 806 2 110 120 444

Housing loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Razem
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2018 100 206 5 016 3 616 108 838
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 1 253 (1 233) (20)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (1 846) 2 134 (288)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (641) 280 361
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 14 131 20 43 14 194
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 3 779 67 121 3 967
Decrease due to repayment (14 626) (395) (1 208) (16 229)
Changes due to modification without derecognition 86 (2) (4) 80
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (605) (21) (334) (960)
Change due to write-off (4) (1 077) (1 081)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 4 824 98 1 050 5 972
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2018 106 561 5 960 2 260 114 781

Corporate loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2019 52 638 5 703 6 569 64 910
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 1 024 (1 009) (15)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (1 548) 1 658 (110)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (263) (342) 605
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 11 968 371 535 12 874
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 11 229 446 295 11 970
Decrease due to repayment (15 909) (1 858) (1 226) (18 993)
Changes due to modification without derecognition 10 2 (1) 11
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (580) (49) (388) (1 017)
Change due to write-off (7) (714) (721)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 132 3 7 142
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2019 58 701 4 918 5 557 69 176

Corporate loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2018 47 757 5 870 7 857 61 484
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 1 370 (1 322) (48)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (2 269) 2 411 (142)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (266) (303) 569
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 14 028 399 645 15 072
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 13 809 242 817 14 868
Decrease due to repayment (20 172) (1 418) (982) (22 572)
Changes due to modification without derecognition (19) (7) 7 (19)
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (1 127) (58) (369) (1 554)
Change due to write-off (2) (1 742) (1 744)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences (473) (109) (43) (625)
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2018 52 638 5 703 6 569 64 910

Consumer loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2019 23 664 1 786 1 831 27 281
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 233 (225) (8)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (886) 910 (24)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (288) (169) 457
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 11 931 456 104 12 491
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 1 572 97 122 1 791
Decrease due to repayment (9 093) (384) (172) (9 649)
Changes due to modification without derecognition (6) (2) (7) (15)
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (161) (66) (126) (353)
Change due to write-off (10) (383) (393)
Redasification from measured at fair value through profit or loss (7 296) (835) (822) (8 953)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 248 164 264 676
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2019 19 918 1 722 1 236 22 876

Consumer loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2018 21 660 1,608 2 391 25 659
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 475 (450) (25)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (922) 993 (71)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (340) (221) 561
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 9 167 297 116 9 580
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 2 217 158 131 2 506
Decrease due to repayment (8 005) (416) (215) (8 636)
Changes due to modification without derecognition 10 2 1 13
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (567) (19) (199) (785)
Change due to write-off (3) (827) (830)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences (31) (163) (32) (226)
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2018 23 664 1 786 1 831 27 281

Receivables in respect of repurchase agreements Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Razem
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2019 51 51
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 1 085 1 085
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches (51) (51)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences (4) (4)
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2019 1 081 1 081

Receivables in respect of repurchase agreements Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2018 902 902
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 51 51
Decrease due to repayment (902) (902)
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2018 51 51

Other financial assets Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Razem
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2019 2 825 97 2 922
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 2 621 2 621
Decrease due to repayment/redemption (2 825) (2 825)
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (5) (5)
Change due to write-off (3) (3)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 3 3 6
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2019 2 624 92 2 716

Other financial assets Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2018 2 378 99 2 477
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 2 826 97 2 923
Decrease due to repayment (2 378) (99) (2 477)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences (1) 5 4
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2018 2 825 97 2 922

Finance lease receivables Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Razem
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2019 11 477 2 719 790 14 986
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 746 (726) (20)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (793) 833 (40)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 9 (312) 303
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 6 599 745 109 7 453
Increase due to utilization of a limit or disbursement of tranches 3 3
Decrease due to repayment (2 749) (630) (140) (3 519)
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (980) (251) (40) (1 271)
Change due to write-off (126) (126)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences (720) (1) (14) (735)
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2019 13 589 2 377 822 16 788

Finance lease receivables Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Carrying amount, gross, as at 01.01.2018 10 034 2 335 792 13 161
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 750 (750)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (1) 1
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (2 005) 2 005
Changes on financial instruments originated or purchased 6 467 6 467
Decrease due to repayment (1 237) (96) (1 221) (2 554)
Changes due to modification without derecognition (700) (700)
Changes due to derecognition of financial instruments, including sale (1 834) 479 (22) (1 377)
Change due to write-off (14) (14)
Other changes, including foreign exchange differences 3 3
Carrying amount, gross, as at 31.12.2018 11 477 2 719 790 14 986



With regard to exposures which changed stages several times, the movement was presented as a transfer from the stage in which they were as at 1 January 2019 or upon their initial recognition to the impairment stage as at 31 December 2019 (as at 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2018, respectively).

Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2019 10 10
Increase due to recognition and purchase 12 12
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) (9) 15 (6)
Decrease due to derecognition (3) (3)
Change in allowances due to write-off 3 3
Other adjustments (15) (2) (17)
As at 31.12.2019 5 5

Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2018 15 15
Increase due to recognition and purchase 4 4
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) 6 6
Decrease due to derecognition (10) (10)
Change in allowances due to write-off (3) (3)
Other adjustments (2) (2)
As at 31.12.2018 10 10


Securities measured at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2019 15 8 3 26
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 8 (8)
Increase due to recognition and purchase 4 4
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) (10) (10)
Other adjustments (1) 1
As at 31.12.2019 16 4 20

Securities measured at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Razem
As at 01.01.2018 14 14
Increase due to recognition and purchase 4 3 3 10
Other adjustments (3) 5 2
As at 31.12.2018 15 8 3 26

Amounts due from banks Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2019 1 1
As at 31.12.2019 1 1


Amounts due from banks Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Razem
As at 01.01.2018
Other adjustments 1 1
As at 31.12.2018 1 1

Consumer loans – measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2019
Decrease due to derecognition (1) (1)
Other adjustments 2 2
As at 31.12.2019 1 1

Housing loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2019 54 538 1 420 2 012
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 5 (5)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (205) 213 (8)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (32) (92) 124
Increase due to recognition and purchase 4 1 5
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) 189 (126) 39 102
Decrease due to derecognition (2) (2) (4)
Changes due to modification without derecognition (net) 1 1
Change in allowances due to write-off (12) (189) (201)
Other adjustments 42 10 (1) 51
As at 31.12.2019 55 527 1 384 1 966

Housing loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2018 53 430 2 547 3 030
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 8 (8)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (81) 139 (58)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (41) (98) 139
Increase due to recognition and purchase 4 4 27 35
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) 115 82 (61) 136
Decrease due to derecognition (13) (1) (14)
Changes due to modification without derecognition (net) 1 1 6 8
Change in allowances due to write-off (4) (1 077) (1 081)
Other adjustments (5) 5 (102) (102)
As at 31.12.2018 54 538 1 420 2 012

Corporate loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Razem
As at 01.01.2019 318 320 3 354 3 992
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 13 (13)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (101) 107 (6)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (65) (63) 128
Increase due to recognition and purchase 111 17 76 204
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) 62 (55) 178 185
Decrease due to derecognition (22) (2) (30) (54)
Changes due to modification without derecognition (net) 3 4 17 24
Changes resulting from updating the applied estimation method (net) 3 3
Change in allowances due to write-off (7) (714) (721)
Other adjustments 46 6 (114) (62)
As at 31.12.2019 365 314 2 892 3 571

Corporate loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2018 296 368 4 480 5 144
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 308 (115) (193)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (28) 75 (47)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (2) (44) 46
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) 149 31 151 331
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) (388) 11 531 154
Decrease due to derecognition (13) (6) (12) (31)
Changes due to modification without derecognition (net) 23 3 32 58
Change in allowances due to write-off (2) (1 742) (1 744)
Other adjustments (27) (1) 108 80
As at 31.12.2018 318 320 3 354 3 992

Consumer loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2019 160 311 1 240 1 711
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 2 (2)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (104) 107 (3)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (139) (89) 228
Increase due to recognition and purchase 72 6 29 107
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) 205 90 201 496
Decrease due to derecognition (6) (23) (10) (39)
Changes due to modification without derecognition (net) 1 (4) (3)
Changes resulting from updating the applied estimation method (net) (2) 1 (1) (2)
Change in allowances due to write-off (10) (383) (393)
Reclasification from amortized cost to measured at fair value through profit or loss (45) (106) (599) (750)
Other adjustments 21 (55) 127 93
As at 31.12.2019 164 231 825 1 220

Consumer loans – at amortized cost Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2018 138 210 1 714 2 062
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 51 (51)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (4) 25 (21)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (18) (49) 67
Increase due to recognition and purchase 62 2 42 106
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) (99) 190 381 472
Decrease due to derecognition (5) (11) (5) (21)
Changes due to modification without derecognition (net) 2 3 5
Change in allowances due to write-off (3) (827) (830)
Other adjustments 35 (4) (114) (83)
As at 31.12.2018 160 311 1 240 1 711

Other financial assets Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2019 97 97
Decrease due to derecognition (2) (2)
Change in impairment allowances due to write-off (3) (3)
As at 31.12.2019 92 92

Other financial assets Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2018 99 99
Increase due to recognition and purchase 1 1
Change in allowances due to write-off (5) (5)
Other adjustments 2 2
As at 31.12.2018 97 97

Finance lease receivables Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2019 34 80 375 489
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 20 (16) (4)
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (4) 12 (8)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 (24) 24
Increase due to recognition and purchase 25 35 67 127
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) (5) (16) 83 62
Decrease due to derecognition (20) (29) (59) (108)
Changes resulting from updating the applied estimation method (net) (1) (1)
Change in allowances due to write-off (126) (126)
Other adjustments (15) 28 8 21
As at 31.12.2019 35 70 359 464

Finance lease receivables Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
As at 01.01.2018 22 64 332 418
Transfer from stage 2 and 3 to stage 1 51 (53) 2
Transfer from stage 1 and 3 to stage 2 (144) 166 (22)
Transfer from stage 1 and 2 to stage 3 57 (162) 105
Increase due to recognition and purchase 24 44 78 146
Changes due to changes in credit risk (net) 32 41 (32) 41
Decrease due to derecognition (9) (19) (106) (134)
Change in allowances due to write-off (14) (14)
Other adjustments 1 (1) 32 32
As at 31.12.2018 34 80 375 489

Principles of classifying financial assets in POCI categories are described in note “Description of significant accounting policies”.

Net amount
Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 463 (5) 458
Loans and advances to customers 387 (67) 320
measured at fair value through OCI 1 (1)
measured at amortized cost 386 (66) 320
Total 850 (72) 778

Gross amount Impairment
Net amount
Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 471 (10) 461
Loans and advances to customers measured at amortized cost 674 (131) 543
Total 1,145 (141) 1,004

As at the
beginning of the
Changes due to
granted or
instruments and
limit utilisation
or tranche
Decrease due
Changes due to
modification of
cash flows from
financial assets
which does not
lead to
derecognition of
these financial
As at the end of the
Securities 471 (8) 463
measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 471 (8) 463
Loans and advances to customers 674 169 (458) 1 1 387
measured at fair value through OCI 1 1
measured at amortized cost 674 168 (458) 1 1 386
Total 1 145 169 (466) 1 1 850

beginning of the
Changes due to
granted or
instruments and
limit utilisation
or tranche
Decrease due to
As at the end of
the period
Securities 473 (2) 471
measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 473 (2) 471
Loans and advances to customers 363 414 (108) 5 674
measured at amortized cost 363 414 (108) 5 674
Total 836 414 (110) 5 1 145

As at the
beginning of the
Increase due to
recognition and
due to derecognition
Changes due to
changes in credit
risk (net)
Change in
allowances due to write-off
Reclassification from
amortized cost to at
fair value through
profit or loss
As at the end of
the period
Securities 10 (5) 5
measured at fair value through OCI 10 (5) 5
Loans and advances to customers 131 1 (46) (58) 2 (28) 65 67
measured at fair value through OCI 1 1
measured at amortized cost 131 1 (46) (59) 2 (28) 65 66
Total 141 1 (46) (63) 2 (28) 65 72

As at
Increase due to
recognition and
due to
Changes due to
changes in credit
risk (net)
Decrease in
allowances due
to write-off
Other adjustments As at
Securities 15 (3) (2) 10
measured at fair value through OCI 15 (3) (2) 10
Loans and advances to customers 115 2 (50) 77 (26) 13 131
measured at amortized cost 115 2 (50) 77 (26) 13 131
Total 130 2 (50) 74 (26) 11 141


Calculation of estimates

The impact of an increase/decrease in estimated cash flows for the Group’s loans and advances portfolio assessed for impairment on the basis of individual analysis of future cash flows arising both from own payments and foreclosure of collaterals, i.e. the exposures for which an individual method is applied and the impact of an increase/decrease in the portfolio parameters for the Group’s loans and advances portfolio assessed on a portfolio basis is presented in the table below:

+10% scenario -10% scenario +10% scenario -10% scenario
changes in the present value of estimated future cash flows for the Group’s portfolio of individually impaired loans and advances assessed on an individual basis (235) 308 (262) 360
changes in the probability of default 157 (164) 156 (165)
change in recovery rates (424) 426 (490) 493

*positive amount– increase in allowances, negative amount– decrease in allowances

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