25. Loans and advances to customers

Accounting policies

Loans and advances to customers comprise receivables in respect of loans and advances, finance lease receivables, and receivables in respect of reverse repo transactions in securities where banks are not a counterparty.

Annual Report

Loans and advances to customers are classified in the above categories in accordance with the principles of business model determination and an evaluation of the characteristics of contractual cash flows referred to in note “Description of significant accounting policies”.

Finance lease agreements are recognized as receivables in the amount equal to the current contractual value of the lease payments plus the potential unguaranteed residual value attributed to the lessor, determined as at the date of inception of the lease. Lease payments on finance leases are divided between interest income and a reduction in the balance of receivables in a manner enabling achieving a fixed interest rate on the remaining receivables.

Reverse repo transactions are measured at amortized cost. The difference between the sale price and repurchase price constitutes interest income and is settled over the period of the agreement using the effective interest rate.

The item “Loans and advances to customers” also includes an adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting for loans and advances to customers representing hedged items (note “Hedge Accounting”).

Financial information

Net amount
Net amount
Loans and advances to customers
(excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting)
231 430 214 911
Adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting 4 1
Total loans and advances to customers 231 434 214 912

(excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting)
31.12.2019 31.12.2018
measured at amortized cost 223 144 213 805
not held for trading, measured at fair value through profit or loss 8 286 1 106
Total 231 430 214 911


LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS (excluding adjustments relating
to fair value hedge accounting)
not held for
trading, measured
at fair value
through profit or
measured at amortized cost Total
Net amount Gross amount Allowances for
expected credit
Net amount Net amount
Loans 8 286 212 496 (6 757) 205 739 214 025
mortgage banking 15 120 444 (1 966) 118 478 118 493
corporate 148 69 176 (3 571) 65,605 65 753
retail and private banking 8 123 22 876 (1 220) 21,656 29 779
Finance lease receivables 16 788 (464) 16 324 16 324
Receivables in respect of repurchase agreements 1 081 1 081 1 081
Total 8 286 230 365 (7 221) 223 144 231 430


LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting)
not held for
trading, measured
at fair value
through profit or
measured at amortized cost Total
Net amount Net amount Allowances for
expected credit
Net amount Net amount
Loans 1 106 206 972 (7 715) 199 257 200 363
mortgage banking 27 114 781 (2 012) 112 769 112 796
corporate 148 64 910 (3 992) 60 918 61 066
retail and private banking 931 27 281 (1 711) 25 570 26 501
Finance lease receivables 14 986 (489) 14 497 14 497
Receivables in respect of repurchase agreements 51 51
Total 1 106 222 009 (8 204) 213 805 214 911

LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting) 31.12.2019 not held for
trading, measured
at fair value
through profit or loss
measured at amortized cost Total
Net amount Gross amount Allowances for expected credit losses Net amount Net amount
Loans 8 286 229 284 (7 221) 222 063 230 349
mortgage banking 15 114 233 (1 806) 112 427 112 442
housing 15 114 233 (1 806) 112 427 112 442
corporate 94 58 934 (1 769) 57 165 57 259
housing 308 (26) 282 282
business 94 53 745 (1 646) 52 099 52 193
finance lease receivables 4 881 (97) 4 784 4 784
retail and private banking 8 123 22 992 (1 221) 21 771 29 894
consumer 8 123 22 876 (1 220) 21 656 29 779
finance lease receivables 116 (1) 115 115
SME 54 33 125 (2 425) 30 700 30 754
housing 5 903 (134) 5 769 5 769
business 54 15 431 (1 925) 13 506 13 560
finance lease receivables 11 791 (366) 11 425 11 425
Receivables in respect of repurchase agreements 1 081 1 081 1 081
Total 8 286 230 365 (7 221) 223 144 231 430

The item “Gross housing loans at amortized cost” includes an adjustment reducing the carrying amount of loans of PLN 422 million in respect of the legal risk of the mortgage loans in convertible currencies (for details, see note “Risk management of foreign currency risk associated with mortgage loans for households”).

LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting) 31.12.2018 not held for
trading, measured
at fair value
through profit or loss
measured at amortized cost Total
Net amount Gross amount Allowances for expected credit losses Net amount Net amount
Loans 1 106 221 958 (8 204) 213 754 214 860
mortgage banking 27 108 481 (1 829) 106 652 106 679
housing 27 108 481 (1 829) 106 652 106 679
corporate 121 55 096 (2 008) 53 088 53 209
housing 321 (55) 266 266
business 121 50 239 (1 850) 48 389 48 510
finance lease receivables 4 536 (103) 4 433 4 433
retail and private banking 931 27 299 (1 711) 25 588 26 519
consumer 931 27 281 (1 711) 25 570 26 501
finance lease receivables 18 18 18
SME 27 31 082 (2 656) 28 426 28 453
housing 5 979 (128) 5 851 5 851
business 27 14 671 (2 142) 12 529 12 556
finance lease receivables 10 432 (386) 10 046 10 046
Receivables in respect of repurchase agreements 51 51 51
Total 1 106 222 009 (8 204) 213 805 214 911


Further information about credit risk exposure for loans and advances to customers measured at amortized cost and at fair value through other comprehensive income is provided in note “Financial assets by stage of impairment and allowances for expected credit losses”.

LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS BY MATURITY (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting) 31.12.2019 not held for trading, mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss measured at
amortized cost
up to 1 month 1 954 10 240 12 194
1 to 3 months 678 7 538 8 216
3 months to 1 year 2 829 30 693 33 522
1 to 5 years 2 467 71 423 73 890
over 5 years 358 103 250 103 608
Total 8 286 223 144 231 430

LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS BY MATURITY (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting) 31.12.2018 not held for trading,
mandatorily measured at fair value through
profit or loss
measured at
amortized cost
up to 1 month 225 9 478 9 703
1 to 3 months 34 6 120 6 154
3 months to 1 year 137 24 593 24 730
1 to 5 years 498 72 900 73 398
over 5 years 212 100 714 100 926
Total 1 106 213 805 214 911

Reclassification of loans from measured at amortized cost to measured at fair value through profit or loss

In the third quarter of 2019, the Group reclassified a part of the portfolio of consumer loan with the net carrying amount of PLN 8 204 million from measured at amortized cost to measured at fair value through profit or loss. Reclassification related to the following products: cash loans, credit cards and revolving loans, which contained a multiple in the interest rate formula. The net impact of reclassification as at the reclassification date was nil.

Reclassification was justified by the fact that these contracts did not meet the IFRS 9 classification criteria for categories other than measured at fair value through profit or loss since the contracts for these products provided for a multiple in the interest rate formula.

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