20. Amounts due from banks

Annual Report

Accounting policies

Principles of classification and measurement are described note “Description of significant accounting policies”. In the case of receivables for which no future cash flow schedule can be determined, and thus the effective interest rate cannot be determined either, the receivable is measured at the amount due.

Amounts due from banks also include reverse repo transactions. Such transactions are measured at amortized cost. The difference between the sale price and repurchase price constitutes interest income and is settled over the period of the agreement using the effective interest rate.

Financial information

AMOUNTS DUE FROM BANKS 31.12.2019 31.12.2018
Measured at amortized cost 4 093 7 662
Deposits with banks 2 995 6 437
Current accounts 997 1 174
Loans and advances granted 99 48
Cash in transit 2 3
Total, gross 4 093 7 662
Allowances for expected credit losses (1) (1)
Total 4 092 7 661

Detailed information about credit risk exposure for amounts due from banks is provided in note “Financial assets by stage of impairment and allowances for expected credit losses”.

Measured at amortized cost
up to 1 month 3 988 7 628
1 to 3 months 78 4
3 months to 1 year 17
1 to 5 years 26 12
Total 4 092 7 661

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