24. Securities

Accounting policies

Securities are classified in accordance with the principles of business model determination and an evaluation of the characteristics of contractual cash flows referred to in note “Description of significant accounting policies”.

The item “Securities” also includes an adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting for securities representing hedged items (note “Hedge Accounting”).

Annual Report

Financial information

SECURITIES 31.12.2019 31.12.2018
Securities (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting) 80 572 64 114
Adjustment relating to fair value hedge accounting 1
Total 80 573 64 114

SECURITIES (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting) 31.12.2019 31.12.2018
held for trading 1 112 235
not held for trading, measured at fair value through profit or loss 2 199 2 848
measured at fair value through OCI 63 807 52 558
measured at amortized cost 13 454 8 473
Total 80 572 64 114

SECURITIES (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting)

held for trading not held for trading,
measured at fair
value through profit
or loss
measured at fair value through OCI measured at
amortized cost
Debt securities 1 095 493 63 807 13 454 78 849
NBP money market bills 1 000 1 000
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 982 301 51 541 7 406 60 230
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 2 2 520 60 2 582
municipal bonds (in PLN) 15 5 232 4 563 9 810
corporate bonds (in PLN) 95 192 3 514 1 083 4 884
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 1 342 343
Equity securities 17 1 706 1 723
shares in other entities – not listed 436 436
shares in other entities – listed 15 150 165
Participation units in investment funds, investment certificates, rights to shares, preemptive rights 2 1,120 1,122
Total 1 112 2 199 63 807 13 454 80 572

SECURITIES (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting)

held for trading not held for trading,
measured at fair
value through profit
or loss
measured at fair
value through OCI
measured at
amortized cost
Debt securities 217 1 201 52 558 8 473 62 449
NBP money market bills 2 900 2 900
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 94 1 034 39 970 2 234 43 332
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 4 393 124 521
municipal bonds (in PLN) 16 5 301 4 007 9 324
municipal bonds (in foreign currencies) 37 37
municipal bonds (in PLN) 102 130 3 942 1 764 5 938
municipal bonds (in foreign currencies) 1 52 344 397
Equity securities 18 1 647 1 665
shares in other entities – not listed 269 269
shares in other entities – listed 13 180 193
Participation units in investment funds, investment certificates, rights to shares, preemptive rights 5 1 198 1 203
Total 235 2 848 52 558 8 473 64 114


The item “T-bonds in PLN and in foreign currencies” comprises Polish T-bonds. As at 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2018, the item “Treasury bonds in foreign currencies” also includes bonds issued by the State of Ukraine of PLN 492 and 513 million, respectively.

Information about credit risk exposure for securities measured at amortized cost and at fair value through other comprehensive income is provided in note “Financial assets by stage of impairment and allowances for expected credit losses”.

SECURITIES (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting)
measured at fair value through OCI measured at amortized cost
Gross amount Allowances for
expected credit
Net amount Gross amount Allowances for
expected credit
Net amount
Debt securities 63 812 (5) 63 807 13 474 (20) 13 454
NBP money market bills 1 000 1 000
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 51 541 51 541 7 406 7 406
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 2 520 2 520 61 (1) 60
municipal bonds (in PLN) 5 232 5 232 4 574 (11) 4 563
corporate bonds (in PLN) 3 519 (5) 3 514 1 087 (4) 1 083
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 346 (4) 342
Total 63 812 (5) 63 807 13 474 (20) 13 454


SECURITIES (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge accounting)
measured at fair value through OCI measured at amortized cost
Gross amount Allowances for
expected credit
Net amount Gross amount Allowances for
expected credit
Net amount
Debt securities 52 568 (10) 52 558 8 499 (26) 8 473
NBP money market bills 2 900 2 900
Treasury bonds (in PLN) 39 970 39 970 2 234 2 234
Treasury bonds (in foreign currencies) 393 393 127 (3) 124
municipal bonds (in PLN) 5 301 5 301 4 013 (6) 4 007
corporate bonds (in PLN) 3 952 (10) 3 942 1 777 (13) 1 764
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 52 52 348 (4) 344
Total 52 568 (10) 52 558 8 499 (26) 8 473


31.12.2019 31.12.2018
allowance which does not reduce the fair value of securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 21 25

SECURITIES BY MATURITY (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge
held for trading not held for trading,
measured at fair
through profit or
measured at fair
value through OCI
measured at
amortized cost
with unspecified maturity – equity securities 17 1 706 1 723
up to 1 month 115 1 247 1 362
1 to 3 months 3 105 10 118
3 months to 1 year 331 47 2 215 403 2 996
1 to 5 years 150 228 44 804 8 693 53 875
over 5 years 496 218 15 436 4 348 20 498
Total 1 112 2 199 63 807 13 454 80 572


SECURITIES BY MATURITY (excluding adjustments relating to fair value hedge
held for trading not held for trading,
measured at fair
through profit or
measured at fair
value through OCI
measured at
amortized cost
with unspecified maturity – equity securities 18 1 647 1 665
up to 1 month 4 4 531 19 4 554
1 to 3 months 443 136 579
3 months to 1 year 30 362 2 972 755 4 119
1 to 5 years 120 682 22 300 4 109 27 211
over 5 years 63 157 22 312 3 454 25 986
Total 235 2 848 52 558 8 473 64 114


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